2013 Industry Walk for Charity – Walk for the Fairbanks Arts Association May 10, 2013

The 2013 Walk for Charity starts at 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 10th at the Immaculate Conception Church parking lot.

Raise money for your favorite charities, including Fairbanks Arts Association, as you feast on fabulous food on this fun 4k walk! Please help us raise funds to continue the work we do to make art and art programs accessible to the community. We are a non-profit organization and every bit helps. We welcome any donations. Thank you so much for your continued support of the arts in your community!

Adults must raise a minimum of $25 and children $15. (avoid a late fee by registering by May 5th). Online registration is now open.

Bib Pickup and Onsite Registration will be May 6 from noon – 7:00 p.m, at the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center.

Late registration will be May 7th – 10th at the Morris Thompson Cultural & Visitors Center from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Download the 2013 registration form and brochure here 2013CharityWalk.

For more information on the Charity Walk, please contact Charity Gadapee at cgadapee@explorefairbanks.com

For more information on selecting Fairbanks Arts Association as your charity, please contact Jill Shipman at jill@fairbanksarts.org